
Stikit right on the wall!

There are so many options for putting vinyl directly on the wall! It's a fun, easy way to brighten up any area of your house, especially those places that are too small for a frame or too big to fill with expensive home decor. The possiblities are endless with this method of vinyl. Ahh, I just love it.
*Don't worry about being able to get the vinyl off the wall if you live in an apartment or want to change up your decor without ruining the wall. All you need to do is take a blow dryer to it or moisten it with a sponge. The concentrated heat and/or moisture makes the vinyl shrivel up and it falls right off your wall without taking any paint with it. So decorate away and change it up as much as you'd like!


Family Blocks

Here is a darling idea from my sister-in-law. This could have your family's last name, or any variety of things in varying sizes of blocks. I love the sanded edges, pretty cute, huh?
Here is another option for family blocks. This sits on an empty shelf in our bathroom and is so perky! Some of my other all-time favorite materials are scrapbook paper and mod podge. The possibilities are absolutely endless! All I did with this was cut wood blocks in varying sizes, painted them, mod podged scrapbook paper onto them and then stuck some vinyl on. You'll notice that the paper wrinkled a little bit on these blocks, but I've figured out how to fix that (these were a trial run:)). If you mod podge the paper onto the dry block, let it dry and then apply a thin coat of modpodge on top, it will dry smoothly. Add the vinyl on last and make sure the mod podge is completely dry or the letters will slide off. And that's it!

Getting Started

What an exciting thing!

I've decided to start up a little vinyl business to help pay for those nasty student loans and I am loving putting it all together! I'm working now on getting pictures and fun ideas of vinyl projects to liven up our little abode while we're cooped up for the winter. I'm a stay-at-home mom who LOVES, (okay it might be border-line obsession) making things for her home! I'm not very good at it, but I love making bright, cheery things that are very inexpensive.

The goal of this blog is to bring you vinyl that is as inexpensive as I can make it. Have you seen how much vinyl goes for at those expensive craft stores?? Whew! I'm here to tell you, as an owner of a vinyl cutter, that vinyl really doesn't have to be that expensive...shh...don't tell the craft stores I told you that...:) So here we go! I hope this is as fun for all of you as it is for me! And stay tuned for lots of fun projects to come!